MOBIHUB | P+R - Nautix Zeeburg

Zuiderzeeweg 6, Amsterdam




Zuiderzeeweg 6, Amsterdam



Hubs; City MOBIHUB



This parkingplace is not covered.



Benefit from a Park + Bike membership at this location.

Switch to bike or public transport

Park at a mobility hub and switch to green transport for the last mile, a smart choice! Don't get stuck in the busy city centre anymore, enjoy a guaranteed parking spot and never overpay for parking again. All you need for your trip is the MOBIAN app: book, manage and operate.


Want to be sure of a parking spot? Make a reservation upfront! Download and open the MOBIAN app, enter your destination, easily find a parking location nearby and book your parking spot including transport for the last stretch.

All at one place

Check and manage your reservations in one overview. Everything in one place which means no more paper parking-, access- and various transport tickets! The app bundles everything you need for your complete trip.On site

Navigate to the parking location. Open the app and your reservation to open the barrier at the touch of a button. Chosen a bike? Easily find your bike and open and close the bike lock in the app. By public transport? You'll find your QR transport ticket... indeed, in the MOBIAN app!


Customer reviews

Parking at MOBIHUB | P+R - Nautix Zeeburg

Welcome to this impressive, maritime location to the east of Amsterdam. The location is in the former district of Zeeburg, which merged into 'the new district Oost' in 2010, and is one of the fastest growing parts of Amsterdam. Development is taking place at a rapid pace: from population and cultural offerings to recreational opportunities and the growing number of square kilometres.

MOBIHUB | P+R Nautix Marina is the ideal parking location for motorists with an approach route from (south-)east. The location is easily accessible, the nautical character very charming and the location is just a 15-minute bike ride from Amsterdam's city centre. Or opt for public transport. Switch from the hub to Amsterdam's GVB network with ease.

How does MOBIHUB | P+R - Nautix Marina work?

At our MOBIHUBS, you can pre-book a parking space including a bicycle or public transport ticket. On the day of booking, navigate to the address of the MOBIHUB. Upon arrival at MOBIHUB | P+R Nautix Marina, open the barrier by pressing one button in the MOBIAN app. Park the car in one of the available parking spaces. A bicycle reservation? Walk to the MOBIAN bikes and keep the app handy. Choose a bike and open the bike lock using the app. By public transport? Walk to the nearest tram or bus stop and open your GVB ticket in the app. Scan your QR ticket in the bus or tram and continue your trip to your final destination with ease.

P+R Membership

Do you enjoy using our P+R on a regular basis? How about a beneficial membership! A smart, easy-to-use and affordable membership for a fixed monthly fee, including attractive extra’s. The ideal option for your trip home or to work. Discover our personal- and our company memberships here.